Insurance Advisory Services
- Multiline Coverage Program Review
- Broker & TPA RFP Process Oversight
- Niche expertise in all aspects of marketing and implementing Construction Wrap-Up Programs
- Multiline Claims Reviews & Claims Advocacy
- Large loss/CAT rapid response capability
Expert Witness
- Extra Contractual Bad Faith
- Agent/Broker Errors & Omissions
- Claims Valuation
- Pre-Litigation Coverage Analysis
- Retained on both Defense and Plaintiff Cases
- Outsourced Risk Management
- Indemnity and Third Party Vendor Contract Review
- Loss Prevention and Loss Control Surveys (with niche expertise in Construction)
- Implementation of Return To Work and Corporate Employee Safety Programs
- Education & Training

Bob Titus is a Massachusetts licensed Insurance Advisor with over thirty years of claims management and risk management experience.
He is also an insurance expert witness, continuing education trainer and industry conference speaker on a variety of insurance-related topics.
Bob Titus, AIC, CRIS
Principal & MA Licensed Insurance Advisor
Risk Analytics, LLC